Happy April Everyone!
We're really enjoying the spring energy, the calls of birds and the promise of getting our hands in the dirt (and helping others do the same). We're getting ready for a special spring project, Garden in a Box.
Garden in a Box is all about growing veggies in a small space successfully.
We help folks with limited space, mobility or means learn how to grow locally sourced veggies in 15gal cloth containers, with the guidance from Garden Coaches (Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteers) throughout the growing season. Each gardener receives a Garden in a Box Resource Binder, trowel, watering can, container and seedlings of their choice, plus home visits and general help from their Garden Coach.
Not only that, this year we've partnered with six regional libraries that will debut the Garden in a Box Resource Binder along with their own collection of gardening or self sustainability resources. In June, five libraries will adopt their very own Library Garden which will be salad themed (cucumbers, tomato and lettuce of course!)
Coming up, on Wednesday April 21st Trisha Smith from UMaine Cooperative Extension of Piscataquis County and PR Food Center's Merrilee Schoen will be hosting a virtual guided tour of the Garden in a Box project, the Resource Binders and a general Meet N Greet to answer any questions. We hope you'll join us! Visit the UMaine Cooperative Extension of Piscataquis County website to connect via Zoom.
To get you in the gardening groove in between now and then we've uploaded this year's Garden in a Box Intro Video. This video went out to our four Garden Coaches as well as each Gardener. Let us know what you think!
Check out our 2021 Gbox page to learn more about this project, and, to sign up for our 2022 session. This season is closed, but you can still request your very own hard copy or digital copy of the Garden in a Box Resource Binder! We limit sign ups for this project to 16 gardeners, to ensure everyone has a top quality experience.