This #Food Center Friday, I am marveling at the dedication volunteers bring.
Each And Every
Food Distribution.
No matter the weather, no matter the day, volunteers arrive at the PRFC deck, ready to go, month after month to help get food moving. It could almost be considered magic. But it's actually very real, very honest and grounded in simply helping where help is needed. The PR Food Center Team is so grateful.
To be most efficient at the largest distribution we host (Covid19 Food Boxes distributed through the USDA and Good Shepherd Food Bank), we knew we would need to increase our volunteer base. And so, a few weeks ago, we began asking. We asked folks that already volunteer with us to consider someone they might know. We asked community partners to ask within their network.

And so when I found myself running late for a community-partner's Zoom meeting, I entered the virtual room to hear "Oh hi Merrilee! John can be there! 1 to 1:30? He'll be there!"
And so there was the help I had been asking for, and didn't even expect at that moment! Willing hands, cooperation, and coordination. Volunteers.
I mention this experience to Rod, our delivery driver, and he replies with steadfast conviction,
"I am continually impressed by everyone, all of the volunteers, every time."

PR Food Center couldn't do all that it does without volunteers. At the last Special Distribution we hosted, this past Tuesday, we had 20 volunteers. The perfect number. Everyone showed up smiling, willing and ready. The generosity was palpable, and the spirits were high! We'll update you soon on that event specifically. For today, we're focused on thanking our volunteers. The team at PR Food Center feels so lucky to have a crew of dedicated, joyful volunteers keeping food moving.
A BIG SHOUT OUT to Eric Laser, John and Robin Ladd, Lesley and James Bitely, Leslie Lizotte, Pat Ryan and Debbie Loguercio for their continued volunteering at our monthly Commodities Supplemental Food Distribution.
A HEARTY THANK YOU to Jasper Makowski, Eric Laser, Andy Bermudez, Diane and Dick Clark, Pat Ryan, James and Lesley Bitely, Tim Breene, Trampas King, Carol and Fred Sherburn, Margarita Contreti, Roxy McGlaughlin, Julie Oren, Dolly Perkins, Liam Perkins and family, Virginia Template and Ashley Buttice from Puritan, Dorcas, Fred, and Ellen McDermott for all of your assistance at Tuesday's Special Food Distribution.
And thanks goes to all of the volunteers who have helped at previous Special distributions, Dexter Mobile Distributions, FarmShare for Homebound Senior deliveries and to all the folks that help out at regional food cupboards, and summer meals. It surely takes a village to end hunger!
These photos were taken by Leslie Adkins while setting up for the Special Food Distribution on Tuesday, March 16th. Thank you for documenting Leslie!