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Donating Acts of Service: April as National Volunteer Month

A customer of the FarmShare for Homebound Seniors holds a massive cabbage from Wyman's Farm in Milo, Maine

Happy April First everyone!

Since the 1970's April has been celebrated as National Volunteer Month. Over at the Piscataquis Regional Food Center we are very aware of just how special and integral volunteering is to the multitude of our community-oriented projects. Piscataquis Regional Food Center has been quite lucky to have had consecutive Americorps VISTAs (Volunteers in Service to America) as well as an awesome team of volunteers to assist in many of our seasonal programs.

Sometimes volunteering takes the form of donating time towards a particular project and sometimes volunteering means donating dollars to help fund projects.

Piscataquis Regional Food Center acknowledges National Volunteering Month by inviting you to participate in our FarmShare for Homebound Seniors program. By donating your time or dollars, qualified seniors connect with local farm food. FarmShare for Homebound Seniors (FSHS) provides free, fresh produce to seniors who cannot leave their homes. Our goal for 2019 is to serve at least 60 seniors this summer. Each summer, qualified seniors receive a $50 farmshare. By volunteering to donate even a small amount, you are contributing to a home-bound senior, community member's quality of life. Piscataquis Regional Food Center thinks this is pretty neat, and has designed an easy way to donate. Click here, to find out more about donating dollars.

If you are interested in volunteering your time, please get in touch! We are always looking for committed folks to call our senior customers for their weekly produce orders, pack produce at the farms or make deliveries. Each action step matters, and helps create a thriving and helpful community for everyone.

Thanks for reading, and considering how you might like to help out with FarmShare for Homebound Seniors.


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