Do you remember the blog about Bissell Brothers Three Rivers hosting their 4 Weeks Of Giving back in December?

For those of who didn't read the blog (how could you have missed it?), Bissell Brothers gives back to the community that supports them. They pick 4 organizations to raise money and awareness for their causes and in 2018, they chose PR Food Center. With the help of their support and customers, they raised over $700 to help with 2019 programs here at PR Food Center. This donation is going to help support Free Summer Meals programs in Milo as well as our FarmShare for Homebound Seniors in Milo as well as the rest of Piscataquis County and Dexter region.
Erin Callaway, Executive Director at PR Food Center, traveled up to Bissell Brothers Three Rivers in Milo and spent some time with Matt, the Tap Room Manager, who presented Erin with a check for $709 and several boxes of non perishable food items to be delivered to local food cupboards, including the Milo Ecumenical Food Cupboard. Matt presented the check to Erin on Valentines Day! Talk about LOVE--we love community involvement and making sure we can provide fresh, local produce this summer through our Farmshare for Homebound Seniors Program as well as many other programs we support.