Spice Drive

Spice Drive is a program designed to help patrons at Dover-Foxcroft Area Food Cupboard make more diverse, healthy meals using basic staples that the food cupboard provides. Most food cupboards have items such as pasta and rice, which can be prepared in lots of different ways using a few herbs and spices. You could make a different meal every day with the same basics!
Our goal is to empower people to feel they’re able to provide their families with good, nutritious meals despite having little money in their food budgets, and also to have fun along the way!

"I am really amazed and thankful for all the support the community has given us."
-Amy McGill, Project Assistant 2017-19
Community Partners
Dollar Tree
Mayo Regional Hospital
Living Innovations
Penquis' Charlotte White Center & the Rising Stars group
Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church
See our Facebook page for updates about our spice of the month and where you can donate it:
The Rising Stars, a group of a adults affected by developmental or intellectual disabilities or challenges, helps prepare Spice Drive recipes each month. Every recipe includes our spice of the month, and is distributed at the Food Cupboard on the 4th Friday of the month. This provides the Rising Stars with an opportunity to learn about nutrition and cooking skills, and volunteer to give back to our community.