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Food Center Friday: Productivity...and Calm

In the U.S., people are coming to accept a temporary but important reality: social distancing, isolation, lack of resources, etc. We're in the midst of a global health pandemic. What do Americans do, trapped in their homes? In a lot of cases, people share ways that they are being productive, outgoing, and social without leaving their homes.

There are online yoga classes, gardening tips, cooking tutorials, endless Zoom calls, free classes, virtual happy hours, and then of course the "get outside!" push. It turns out that having so many options, so many people sharing things that I really ought to be doing to stay sane during quarantine, stressed me out more than being stuck at home. Does anybody feel they're not doing enough? Does anyone feel like they need a minute to decompress and detach from feeling like they always need to be doing something?

I think we're all pretty conditioned to believe that being busy and productive = being successful.

Guess what? That's not true! Sometimes, sitting in the quiet or doing nothing is really okay. It's so wonderful to see opportunities and activities being shared, because lots of people are looking for things to do. But, if you're not, that's alright too!

PR Food Center shares a lot of information, ideas, and local happenings. That's part of our role - being web-weavers in the community! We also understand, however, that tuning out for the sake of mental health can be important too!


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