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Meals on Wheels Funding


Did you know there is currently a waiting list for seniors to sign up for Meals on Wheels? There are 2 bills of great importance to older people in our region, LD 472 and 474, which would fund expansion of the Maine Meals on Wheels program and would eliminate the waiting list for this program. the bills have passed out of committee and are awaiting appropriations approval. Now is the time to contact your local representatives to urge support in funding these bills. Meals on Wheels is not only life saving for many older people who have to decide about buying food or paying for fuel, but the program enables people to remain out of institutional care for up to 2 years longer, supports people in early recovery after hospitalization, reduces re-admissions. promotes wound healing, and reduces isolation and loneliness.

Please take a moment to read the testimony given to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services from the Maine Council on Aging.

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