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We Heart Whitney

Whitney Gould-Cookson is awesome. She is an integral part of the team here at Piscataquis Regional Food Center. Between her monthly blog, “Wednesdays With Whitney”, teaching the Cooking Matters classes, coordinating the yearly Gadget Drive and working with the food cupboard, she helps keep our mission of getting healthy food to people going. On this National Registered Dietitian Day, we just wanted to recognize Whitney for being awesome!

It really does take a village to create something great, and there are times when we think Whitney is a village unto herself! She is so willing to give her time and knowledge, and is always willing to lend a hand.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that not only is Whitney the Registered Dietitian of the year in our book, she has also become the newest Board Member for Piscataquis Regional Food Center.

Thank you to Whitney and all the other RD’s out there who work so hard each and every day to bring health and wellness to you patients and the community at large. Your dedication means so much to us and we appreciate you!

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