We are excited to share that Piscataquis Regional Food Center has received a $3,700 grant from MCD Public Health to provide training on how to help community members apply for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. The training features materials delveloped by Americorps VISTA members working at Maine Hunger Initiative at Preble Street.

Last March, we brought the MHI training to a small group in Piscataquis. Thanks to the MCDPH grant, PRFC will be offering the same program again in 2019. The great news is this time, we are going bigger! There will be 4 sessions, 2 in Piscataquis County and 2 in Penobscot. The class, which is free and open to anyone who is interested and wants to help, covers the basics of SNAP and how to help community members apply. To make sure the training has real impact, we will ask the participants who complete the class to join us in designing, planning, and participating in SNAP "Application Clinics". SNAP "Clinics" are an open house type approach that can help larger number of people enroll and that can be offered in multiple locations to make it easier for people to get assistance closer to home.
Our goal is to create county wide "SNAP Crews" that can help community members get the benefits they need as quickly and efficiently as possible. Want to know more?

Email us at info@prfoodcenter.org and we will contact you once we finalize our training dates and locations. We would love to hear from you!