Things are moving at breakneck speed here at PRFC. Not only do we a new office with brand new heat pumps--Thank You Dave’s World!--and doors, we also have a new refrigerated van!
Thank you to Good Shepherd Food Bank for providing us this beautiful refrigerated van! This takes our motto #WeGetFoodMoving to a whole new level. As we continue our remodel and get closer to our full mission of working with farms and expanding our hunger relief programming, this van will be instrumental in helping us achieve those goals. We have already had the chance to take it for a test drive! A local farm contacted us about an overabundance of butternut squash they wanted to harvest and donate before a frost. Unfortunately they were not able to deliver it to us. PRFC refrigerated van to the rescue! We were able to glean approximately 1,000# of squash to donate to local food cupboards for their Thanksgiving distributions. We call that a win for everyone! It has also been used to deliver FarmShare for Homebound Senior orders, pick up gleaned apples, and deliver all of our donated produce to 3 local food cupboards for Thanksgiving!
It’s hard to imagine or even think about, but we are already dreaming about the Free Summer Meals programs as well. Access to this van will allow us to test drive (pun intended!) a summer meals delivery plan to help the Summer Meals program reach kids in some of the more remote parts of our region. We would love to be able to serve more meals! The new van means we can give it a try. We’ll let you know how it goes!

Make sure when you see this logo on a van driving by you, give us a honk or a shout out on facebook and let us know you support the work we do here at PRFC to help folks in all our communities get the healthy food they need. Your support helps us Get Food Moving!